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3M™ 07046 Organic Vapor Cartridge, NIOSH Approved (Y/N): Yes


Product Description

The 3M™ replacement cartridge and filter packout 07195, is designed for use with 3M™ automotive low maintenance half facepiece respirator 07024 (small), {07177 (small) packout} 07025 (medium) {07178 (medium) packout} and 07026 (large) {07179 (large) packout} or full facepiece respirators 07138 (small) {07161 (small) packout}, 07139 (medium) {07162 (medium) packout}and 07140 (large) {07163 (large) packout} and the 3M™ automotive durable half facepiece respirators 37024 (small packout), 37025 (medium packout) and 37026 (large packout). Packaged with 1 pair 07046 organic vapor cartridges and 2 pairs of 07194 P95 filters this packout is 3M™ recommended for paint spray applications.

SKU: 3M -07046-OVF Category:


Product DescriptionProduct Description

Trapezoid design allows for low swept back positioning of the cartridge for unobstructed vision. Filters can be attached to this cartridge using the 07054 retainers. This cartridge, when used with 3M™ Low Maintenance Half and Full Facepieces, and 3M(

The 3M™ replacement cartridge and filter packout 07195, is designed for use with 3M™ automotive low maintenance half facepiece respirator 07024 (small), {07177 (small) packout} 07025 (medium) {07178 (medium) packout} and 07026 (large) {07179 (large) packout} or full facepiece respirators 07138 (small) {07161 (small) packout}, 07139 (medium) {07162 (medium) packout}and 07140 (large) {07163 (large) packout} and the 3M™ automotive durable half facepiece respirators 37024 (small packout), 37025 (medium packout) and 37026 (large packout). Packaged with 1 pair 07046 organic vapor cartridges and 2 pairs of 07194 P95 filters this packout is 3M™ recommended for paint spray applications.